
Hydrant Guard Customer Testimonials

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At Hydrant Guard, we are committed to delivering high-quality products and exceptional customer service to our clients.

Below are testimonials from Hydrant Guard customers: water districts and municipalities that install our water-saving check valves under their wet-barrel fire hydrants. We would like to express our gratitude to all of our customers. Your feedback is essential to our continued growth and success. Thank you for placing your trust in our company.

Would I recommend Hydrant Guard? Absolutely. It's done wonders for the City of La Palma. It's made our job easier. It's saved time, money...I would recommend it to any water district or any city.

Water/ Maintenance Supervisor, City of La Palma

“One thing we wanted to achieve with Hydrant Guard was to increase safety, both by avoiding shears under power lines and making it so we don’t have to close the whole street and use up municipal resources where they shouldn’t be needed. Now we can do it in a more controlled environment because we don’t have that instant emergency.”

Operations Manager, Walnut Valley Water District

Jesse brought this out and showed it to us. Wow, this thing caught my eye...Then once we got it, just the ease of putting it on – wow, it's just great...We're installing them now. We've been putting them in now for the last couple of years. 

Water Distribution Supervisor, City of Pomona

You wouldn’t think that little check valve does so much work, but it works really well. Then the big thing is that we don’t have the complicated process when one is hit. We just typically have to replace a few bolts. For us, it works really well.

Operations Manager, Liberty Utilities - California Water

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